Custom built dog houses have been around for a while, but some Posh Pooches live in Extreme Dog Houses. These homes, believe it or not, come with air conditioning, heating, porches, and even pool decks with bone shaped pools. Some also have solar powered lights with timers and very insulated windows and walls. Paris Hilton built a Doggy Mansion for her pet friends, complete with couches, chandeliers and closets for their doggy outfits.
These doggy mansions don’t come cheap. A custom doggy home can start upwards of $600 and range all the way up to $30,000 or $325,000 for Paris’s Mediterranean Style doggy mansion (read more). But not every Pampered Pooch likes a Mediterranean Mansion! These Doggy McMansions come in many shapes and sizes. There’s the “Celebrity Brick Estate House” for the very spoiled pooch (read more). This doggy mansion comes complete with running water, custom lighting and of course heating and air conditioning. Or for those pampered pooches with a more modern taste, there’s the Cubix dog house, inspired by Bauhaus architecture (read more). And for the pooch who prefers the farm living there’s The Hundehause Farm Dog House (read more).
Wouldn’t you mind being in the doghouse now! Here are more luxury dog houses for the pampered pooch in your life (read more).